2018 segmentation study has started
What shared values do consumers have when it comes to flowers and plants? The Flower Council of Holland, Royal FloraHolland and VGB will be investigating this in 2018.

The three parties therefore initiated a tendering process last November. Four research agencies with a strong reputation in the area of European consumer segmentation were invited to give a presentation and submit a quote in January. After careful consideration the choice was made for Glocalities, the international research programme from Motivaction. They will carry out the segmentation and combine the findings of this research with their extensive worldwide data, which will ensure that our segment information is very rich in insights. Glocalities will also provide various workshops to teach us and our stakeholders to work with this new segmentation.
Glocalities is being given the task of carrying out a complete segmentation for Germany, France, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands. The study will also provide insights at regional level. The findings of this research will be available in quarter 3 of 2018. There is also the option for interested parties in the sector to purchase segmentation research for a number of other countries.
The choice of Glocalities will result in a step change in the system used and the labelling of segments, which was previously developed by the Sinus Institut. This is a step change that was unavoidable because two important improvements had to be made: the age category for consumers has been raised to 70+, and the garden plant category has been incorporated in the study.
What actually is segmentation?
Surely every person is unique? Yes, every person is unique, but if we look at particular values and beliefs we can still group people into a limited number of groups. In marketing terms these groups are also referred to as segments. However, as a person you might fall in the ‘lover segment’ for one product, and in the ‘hater segment’ or somewhere in between for another product. It’s therefore very useful to be able to apply a segmentation at product level. That enables us to optimally serve these consumers, because we know what interests them, and effectively motivates them to buy flowers and plants.
For more information please contact ...
- Flower Council of Holland Monique Kemperman m.kemperman@bloemenbureauholland.nl
- Royal FloraHolland Tine Niezink tineniezink@royalfloraholland.com
- VGB Manon Velthuis mvelthuis@vgb.nl