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German shopper activation for orchids at Aldi Süd

01 February 2021

February 2021

‘Receive a gift of orchid food with every orchid purchased': that is the message of a new German 'Danke Pflanzen' shopper activation. The activation will run from 4 to 9 February 2021 at 2,000 Aldi Süd stores.

From Phalaenopsis to Cambria

Shopper activatie voor orchideeën bij Aldi Süd, Duitsland

This shopper activation covers a wide range of orchids. So regardless of whether shoppers buy a Phalaenopsis, Brassia, Miltonia or Cambria, they will receive the free orchid food. The food is in the form of a stick with the plant’s packaging. This stick lasts for three months and stimulates, strengthens and extends the orchid’s flowering period.

Collaborating on activations
The idea behind shopper activations is to encourage consumers to purchase flowers and plants offering a targeted promotion with added value, such as a gift with purchase. This orchid activation is a collaboration between the Flower Council of Holland, trading company Green Partners, growers’ association Orchidee Nederland and - obviously - Aldi Süd.
More information
If you would like to find out more about this shopper activation please contact Ivo van Orden, team manager shopper activation, at  ivanorden@bloemenbureauholland.nl