Flower Council of Holland management board
Delegation from the sector
The Flower Council of Holland is an organisation that aims to stimulate demand for flowers and plants in various European countries. The management board features representatives of growers and buyers that are members of Royal FloraHolland, all of whom have an equal say in management decisions.
The chairman of the board is Marco van der Sar, owner of Aislinc. The board has three other members.
Representative of growers who are members of Royal FloraHolland:
Peter ten Have – Director/Owner of J&P Ten Have nursery
Representative of buyer at Royal FloraHolland:
Alice van Veen – Commercial Manager at Royal Lemkes
Representative of the Flower Council of Holland:
Yvonne Watzdorf – Managing Director of the Flower Council of Holland
Want to find out more or get involved?
Anyone who would like to get involved or has questions about the long-term vision of the management board can contact Marco van der Sar at mvandersar@bloemenbureauholland.nl.

Alice van Veen

Marco van der Sar