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Consumers discover favourite style trends via Pinterest quiz

29 July 2024

Every year, we develop Horticulture Trends: the ultimate style trends to turn your interior and garden into a green oasis. To raise awareness among consumers about the trends of 2024 and thereby stimulate the demand for flowers and plants, we developed an interactive Pinterest quiz. You can read more about it here.

Pinterest Quiz

Horticulture Trends 2024
The Horticulture Trends are an annual topic in which we promote the newest trends in flowers, house-plants and outdoor plants. The four style trends for 2024:

  • Gentle Paradox
  • Meaningful Earth
  • Playful Construction
  • Viva La Vida

In the article ‘HorticultureTrends 2024’ you can read more about the individual trends and their unique colour palettes.

Download visual materials for 2024 style trends
Want to promote the 2024 style trends in your own communications? Our image database contains professional images for all four trends. Use the ‘Trends 2024’ filters under ‘Campaign’ to search for specific images and download the pictures at no charge and copyright-free.

Go to the image database

Pick your style with Pinterest Quiz Ads
To introduce consumers to the 2024 trends, we used a new advertising platform on Pinterest called the Pinterest Quiz Ad, which lets you give your target group advice or recommend products based on their answers to your questions. For the ‘pick your style’ advertisement, we came up with three questions about interior preferences in order to determine which trend best suits the respondent’s style.

Quiz Ads is a fun, interactive way to interact with your target group, have them discover new products and inspire them. Whatever your style, flowers and plants can easily give your interior a stylish twist.

Video file


Want to advertise via Pinterest?  
A Pinterest advertising campaign is easy to launch via the Pinterest Ads Manager, even if you have little prior experience with advertising. This type of advertisement is worth considering because it is relatively new and ensures a high level of engagement.

Want to promote the style trends and your own products via Pinterest Quiz Ads? Images of the 2024 and 2025 style trends are available to download for own use and can be downloaded via here (2024) and here (2025).

Want to find out more?
Feel free to contact Anneloes Demmers, Content Lead, at ademmers@bloemenbureauholland.nl.