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How the Flower Council of Holland is also changing

16 March 2023

The world around us is changing fast. The horticulture sector is facing huge challenges. Everyone is having to adapt in order to preserve their relevance and value. This applies to growers and traders, but also to the Flower Council of Holland. 


Boost demand
It’s all about seeing and understanding the changes. We have been ‘the proud promoter of flowers and plants’ in Europe for decades now. This has been done by running inspirational campaigns and targeted shopper activations on the shop floor. This has allowed us to boost demand and unite the horticulture sector with its most important target group: the people that buy flowers and plants. 

Innovative role
But this is no longer enough. Entrepreneurs expect us to play an active role in tackling the current challenges. We believe this is the ideal moment to adopt an innovative role; one that sees us enrich and strengthen the horticulture sector. 

Share and apply
Knowledge is essential in that regard. We will be even more active in getting to know consumers and their behaviour, preferences, and needs. This is important, because, without an understanding of consumer needs, expectations, and actions, it will not be possible to exploit these with a suitable range and way of working. That is why we will share our new insights with growers and traders more often and help them make the most of that knowledge.

Round-table sessions on current topics and developments (such as sustainability) will be held with entrepreneurs. Thus enabling us to better coordinate our activities with whatever is required. 

More groups of consumers
In that regard, we will be looking at more groups of consumers than we have in the past. And we will also team up with our international network to scrutinise promising opportunities beyond our four core countries. 

Sector-related consumer communication
We know more and more about consumers, but consumers know very little about what the horticulture sector stands for. We intend to do something about that. Together with other organisations in the sector, we will vigorously champion the horticulture sector and tell the stories behind our products. Stories about the added value of flowers and plants for people and society. Stories that enhance the positive image of the sector. 

Consumer campaigns
Our marketing and communication professionals will help to drive the horticulture sector forwards. We will continue to create campaigns, inspirational images and online content. Practical and useful for entrepreneurs. 

We will face up to these changes, see the need, and feel the urgency. And we will do so using the same drive and pride that characterise the passion and entrepreneurial spirit of the many growers and traders with whom we cooperate. 

All this based on the persuasive force of collectivity, 
which stems from honest cooperation. Because we can achieve more by working together!


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March 2023