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FloriWorld shopper activation postponed

09 October 2020

At the beginning of November a shopper activation at Dutch florists was planned to start where customers could get a 20% discount on admission tickets to FloriWorld when buying a bouquet of flowers. Due to the ongoing surge in coronavirus cases and tightened covid-19 measures, the partners FloriWorld, VBW, and the Flower Council of Holland have now decided to postpone this shopper activation until further notice.

Shopper activatie met FloriWorld november 2020_Poster_A2
New opportunity in 2021
It would've been the first time that FloriWorld (the latest Dutch floral attraction), VBW (Dutch Florists Organisation) and the Flower Council joined forces for a combined Dutch shopper activation, but it is not the right time at the moment. The rollout of the shopper activation has been placed on hold for the time being in the hope that conditions will improve and covid-19 measures will allow the shopper activation to take place in spring 2021. More information will follow as soon as possible in 2021. 

More information 
If you would like to find out more about this shopper activation please contact Floris Wiebosch, shopper activation marketeer, f.wiebosch@bloemenbureauholland.nl.