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A first: orchid giveaway at Albert Heijn

17 October 2022

Dutch shopper activation: buy one and get a chance to win a luxury bowl full of orchids

Shopper activatie: orchidee-winactie bij Albert Heijn
It will be orchid time at nearly all Dutch branches of Albert Heijn supermarkets from 15 to 30 October 2022. Anyone buying an orchid will have a chance to win a luxury bowl full of orchids. This is the first time a shopper activation at Albert Heijn will centre on a 'chance to win' instead of a gift.  

The campaign will work as follows. There will be a code on the orchid’s label. Shoppers can enter their code into a special online campaign page once they get home. With a bit of luck, they might have the winning code and be sent a spectacular bowl of orchids. A total of 100 luxury bowls are up for grabs. 

The shopper activation forms part of the Thanks Plants campaign. For this campaign, Albert Heijn cooperated closely with trading partner Waterdrinker, growers’ association Orchidee Nederland and the Flower Council of Holland (NL).  

This shopper activation will ensure that this high-quality plant is absolutely top-of-mind among Dutch consumers. Aside from running in Albert Heijn’s branches themselves, the campaign is also set to feature in Albert Heijn’s Bonus brochure, on our Dutch consumer platform Mooiwatbloemendoen.nl and on a variety of social media.  

Further information 
Keen to find out more about this shopper activation – or organise one with us? Feel free to get in touch with Ivo van Orden, Activation Team Manager, by sending an e-mail to ivanorden@bloemenbureauholland.nl

October 2022