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2021 Horticulture Sector Trends: Dutch webinar

07 May 2020

The world has been turned upside down. The coronavirus crisis is confronting us with unprecedented challenges. Social, technological and economic developments that were already happening are being accelerated. Together with non-traditional attitudes they are resulting in a new zeitgeist, despite the crisis. This zeitgeist in turn will lead to changing consumer needs. Not just for products and brands, but also with regard to flowers, plants and gardens.

Valuable knowledge for our stakeholders​

Groenbranche Trends 2021
The Flower Council of Holland will be organising a lecture in Dutch (digitally this time) on 19 May where trendwatcher Aafje Nijman will be presenting our vision of the coming years and the changing consumer needs to our stakeholders in the floriculture sector. This is valuable knowledge which will keep you connected to your customers’ needs.

This presentation was scheduled to take place at the start of April, but has been postponed because of the coronavirus. The lecture is intended for our paying stakeholders. If you have not received an invitation but would like to attend the webinar, please register via this link. The number of places are limited.

The 2021 Horticulture Sector Trends have been developed in collaboration with iBulb, Tuinbranche Nederland (Netherlands Horticulture Sector), INretail and Bureau Nijman + Van Haaster. This is a valuable collaboration that will bring together knowledge that we are keen to share with the sector. 

Want to find out more?
For more information please contact: Isabel Groot, campaign manager at the Flower Council of Holland at i.groot@bloemenbureauholland.nl.